I have dark brown eyes and my natural hair color is dark brown but right now my hair is like a beige blonde but the highlights grow out WAY too fast and oxidize and get brassy. I was wondering my hair is extremetly dry esp. in highlighted area. Was wondering to get my hair in better condition should I just darken it up a bit? Don't want too dramatic of a change though since I'm used to the blonde in it? Please advise thanks I was thinking like a golden brown color. Best tip wins 10 points
Should I color or highlight my hair?
My hairdresser says that all dye is damaging to the hair. If you are already experiencing dryness, your best bet is to wait a while. If you are bored, try a rinse or another non-damaging way of experimenting, but if you want to keep hair on your head, you might consider slowing it all down a bit. A rinse will stay in a while, but won't damage your hair like dye will and like your highlights seem to be doing. Think about it...
Should I color or highlight my hair?
with all that unnatural color u r adding i bet u resemble the Riddler... stop it and b the natural u u r.
Should I color or highlight my hair?
Hi. Thats kind of funny because I did that like 7 years ago, but with honey blonde. Dark colors dont really get your hair dry that much, but then again, thats why people use a rinse for that. But blonde will dry your hair out because of the bleach required to lighten the hair. You need lots of deep conditioning and moisture to maintain that. If you dont, thats what will happen (happened to me).
You should darken it a little bit with a rinse and deep condition your hair with heat once a week, and also have a leave in moisturizing spray to moisturize your hair. Do a protein treatment like Aphogee treatment for damaged hair, which is like once every six weeks. But make sure its a protein treatment. This will help to strengthen your hair and get it better somewhat. Maybe you should put some natural oil and shea butter mixed together in your hair. I have found that it gives great moisture and your hair will absorb it well since its 100% natural. Most of the moisturizing products have mineral oil and petroleum, which do nothing. Hope this helps somewhat.
Oh, and dont do any chems to your hair and use heat appliances daily. It will dry your hair and break it off. God bless.
Should I color or highlight my hair?
i would do this. i would not use a rinse. because like the word, it goes in and come out when evertime you shampoo your hair. you mention you want to keep your highlight showing. therefore, you want to use a permanent color with only 10 volume develper close to your hair shade. this will make the highlight still show and for your hair look better conditon. however, you still need to use a color care shampoo and moisturizer condition. rinse with luke warm water. every two week go in the salon for a deep conditon treatment.
p.s. if you ever make your hair into one solid color and plan to get highlight again. tell your stylist you want her or him to place it ina way for the highlight to not look crappy when it grows out. believe me it is possible. i done so many.
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