I'm 6 weeks and 6 days today. My sister talked me into going and getting our hair highlighted together on Saturday (2 days ago), she's pregnant too. Yesterday I was in the ER for bleeding, and I'm going to my doctor today to see if I'm really miscarrying. Now I'm convinced it was from the hair dye and I'm so scared! I just had my 1st miscarriage on August 7th, and now this one? I mean what are the chances it's just a coincidence? I feel like I hurt my baby and I feel awful.
Miscarriage from dying hair?
no relax it is not from getting your hair dyed. i had a miscarried my first pregnancy and my second pregnancy and now I'm 14 weeks pregnant i had bleeding as well my doctor told me its implantation bleeding its from the egg embedding itself in the wall of the uterus. if you went to the er they would have not sent you to another doctor if you were having a miscarriage. they would take care of you then and there.. if you are going through a miscarriage and ill pray that you aren't it could be so many reasons and factors. most are unknown not because you dyed your hair once. good luck and your in my prays
Miscarriage from dying hair?
IM A MUM OF 4, i dyed my hair at different stages throughout all my pregnancies ITS SAFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my gyno says its safe, dont blame yourself at all,,, and goodluck, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Miscarriage from dying hair?
nope. impossible.
don't even fret it, you didn't do it by dying your hair.
Miscarriage from dying hair?
Only if the first was right after dying your hair would I think it was related other wise I do not think so.I am sorry for your loss, but stay calm and see your doctor and get checked out .Find out why you keep miscarrying.Good luck.
Miscarriage from dying hair?
I doubt it's from dying your hair unless you were not in a well ventalated area where you were inhaling all sorts of fumes. Then it might have been because of that, but other than that, I don't think it's from the hair dye. I dyed my hair purple when I was 7 wks preg and nothing bad happened to me.
Miscarriage from dying hair?
no, hair dye is harmless to your child unless you yourself are allergic to it. sorry to say, but there may be something wrong with your body. :(
Miscarriage from dying hair?
I am so sorry , but no that is not possible i have had 5 kids and i have also dyed my hair 16 years. i asked the doc when i was prego with twins and she said it was fine . it happens again i am so sorry,
Miscarriage from dying hair?
i dyed my hair when i was preggo and i didnt have a miscarry maybe something else could be causing you to have problems. i sent my condolences if you are miscarrying and good luck
Miscarriage from dying hair?
Don't blame yourself, hair dying in pregnancy is safe, and the dye generally doesn't sink into the skin, let alone affect the baby via the bloodstream. It is not your fault.
Miscarriage from dying hair?
drying your hair would not cause a misscarage
Miscarriage from dying hair?
i dont think this is related at all if you have already miscarryed there must be another reason i had several early misscarages over a year i got refered to a specailist and both me and my partner were tested but they found nothing wrong they instucted me to take half an asprin everyday i then read that caffine can cause miscarrage so i cut all caffine out and took the asprin and got pregnant straight away .i had bleeding for 2 weeks at 6 weeks pregnant and was told i was misscarrying again i had a scan then another 2 weeks later when the bleeding had stoped and all was fine im now pregnant with my 2nd child there were some problems with my first child at birth she had a condition
called tofs and had to have an opperation
she is fine now thou and the two are not related
good luck and never give up hope it
sam x
contact me on samfergy@sky.com
Miscarriage from dying hair?
nothing to do with hair dye at all...if the bleeding has stopped, then you might still be ok...spotting can happen and although it is a warning sign - it does not necessarily mean a miscarriage is happening...blood vessels can burst near the cervix which can cause that...have an internal scan done and put your mind at ease..2 miscarriages in a row is not uncommon - according to our doc - 1 in 5 pregnancies end in miscarriage...so don't fret...talk to your doc..and good luck
Miscarriage from dying hair?
OMG please don't blame yourself! I have 2 children and I Bleached my hair with BOTH of them and my babies are alive and well (almost 4 and 2)!
My cousin and my Uncle are hairdressers and both say its ok as well as the hospital staff!
Good luck with everything and I hope it all works out for you
Miscarriage from dying hair?
No hon you didnt do it!! I dyed my hair thru all three of my pregnancies and had no trouble. Its just the timing of this event makes it seem like that.
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